March 2, 2025

International dating advice for men seeking foreign brides

Why Men Love It When Russian Ladies Make the First Move

Times have changed a lot in today’s society, especially between genders. Women, Russian ladies for example, really have come a long way. Looking around, you will see that a lot of them are strong and independent. They know what they want, and they don’t wait for anyone to give it to them. Even in the dating world, women have become bolder as some of them make the first move, and a lot of men are liking it. If you’re thinking why that is, here are some reasons why it’s good to let women take the initial step.

It’s flattering.

Everybody likes compliments. Whether they thrive from it, or get shy a little bit, the point is they feel good when they get it. Even men like getting compliments. Like what we mentioned earlier, everybody appreciates a good flattery or two, and for men, one of the best compliments they can ever get is to be approached by women like Russian girls.

Russian girls for marriage

It speaks of the woman’s confidence.

It is true that confidence is very appealing. Being shy and all that has its own charm, but exuding confidence is on a different league. When asked, a lot of men include confidence in the list of qualities they keep when looking for Russian girls for marriage, or any other girl for that matter. This is why men like it when women make the first move. Having that initiative, no matter how nerve-wracking it can be in the inside, still says a lot about a woman’s confidence as not everyone has the courage to go and do that, whether they be a man or a woman.

It’s attractive.

Yes, making the first move is very confident, which also makes it very attractive. When a woman makes the first move, it attracts men. This is a different experience from just looking for Russian mail bride online. Some even say that it adds to the “cool” factor of a woman. It’s also a sign of self-worth, which is a quality many men want to see in their women. When that woman makes her move, it exudes self-esteem and self-worth one cannot see from places like online dating websites. She knows what she wants and deserves, and so she comes and gets it.

It saves men from rejection.

As cool as men act when women say no, that kind of rejection can sting. It can hurt a man’s self-esteem, even just a little bit. When a woman makes the first move, it’s already an indication that the she is interested, so the chances of the man being said no to reduce drastically.

It boosts men’s confidence.

Because of the flattery that comes with being asked initially, men’s confidence boosts, and that’s part of the reason why they enjoy being approached by women first. It’s not ego; it’s really just about how women approaching men before they do adds to the men’s self-esteem, and possibly self-worth, too. After all, who won’t get confidence once a blonde Russian girl offers to buy you a drink, right?

It’s a step towards breaking stereotypes.

In the world we live in, there are ways and traditions that have been with us for so long, it’s hard to break. While some of these are not harmful, there are some that limit a person’s opportunities to live life to the fullest, and one of these is the thought the men SHOULD approach women first. Women making the first move just goes to show that the world isn’t as naïve and chained as it had been before. This is especially favorable to men who advocate for equality and breaking of stereotypes.

Russian mail brideIt’s intriguing.

If anything, a woman making the first move is intriguing. For a man who has been approached by a woman initially, he would wonder what it is about this woman that she doesn’t seem to be frightened to break the stereotype. It’s definitely an intriguing and appealing quality to have.

It’s fun.

If the setting happens to be at a public place, say a bar or a party, this kind of scenario – a woman walking towards a man to have a chat – is fun to watch. After all, it’s not like a Russian live chat where it’s common for either gender to just pop the first question. In real life, this scenario is so much more interesting to see unfold. It’s fun to see how the woman would strike up the conversation and how the man will respond to it, and most men enjoy this kind of dance.

It gives them a break.

Men need a break from the dance of approaching and asking, too. Sometimes, it’s nice to just sit with your friends, and get a pleasant surprise of single women dating approaching you and opening up a world full of possibilities.


It progresses things.

Sometimes, the waiting game, like who’s going to approach whom, takes quite some time, making the progress happen more slowly than one would like. This is one of the reasons why men like it when women take the initiative to strike a conversation with them – it already gets them to the next step, which makes things progress faster and more smoothly, and allows men to avoid resorting to just looking atRussian girls pictures.


A lot of women may still feel a little bit shy and uncomfortable about making the first move even if they really want to, and so, as men, it would be better if you make them feel as welcome as you can when they try to send the message to more women that it is okay to take the first step.