Just when you’ve gotten used to being ghosted by Latin American girls and think that this is the only cruel behavior you have to deal with on dating sites, prepare for a new dating trend: “Soft ghosting.”
Yes, it’s worth saying upfront that soft ghosting is not as terrible and insulting as ghosting, which refers to the practice of ending a relationship or communication by suddenly disappearing without any explanation.
But what is soft ghosting? Overheard LA, which coined the phrase in its Instagram post this summer, defines soft ghosting as someone responding to a message or post by liking it, making the “liker” the last person to interact before disappearing.
Why Do Latin American Girls ‘Soft Ghost’ Guys Online?
Admittedly, beautiful Colombian girls aren’t the only ones who do this, as soft ghosting is becoming a popular way of disappearing from another person’s life without having to explain oneself.
Technically, soft ghosting is the same as ghosting with a dash of nicety. Yes, the “soft ghost” did respond to your message by liking it but he or she never actually said anything.
When dating a Colombian girl, it could take days to realize that you’ve been soft-ghosted after she liked your message but didn’t actually write anything.
Why Do Online Daters Soft Ghost Each Other?
With studies showing that playing hard-to-get makes you more attractive on dating sites, soft ghosting may seem like a valuable tool in your arsenal. Well, apparently, not when this happens in a committed short-term or long-term relationship.
Previous studies have shown that about 25 percent of people admit to being ghosted, while 20 percent admit that they had ghosted someone else.
And while the same studies indicate that ghosting is acceptable after just one date, it’s an unacceptable way of ending a long-term relationship.
In the world where everything is fast-paced – even The New York Post reported about society’s self-destructive addiction to faster living – ghosting and soft ghosting are an easy out for many people.
It’s convenient to simply disappear from someone else’s life (or screen) without saying anything and move on with your life, or like that person’s message to soften the blow. After all, the ghost always leaves room for reappearance (all he or she needs is an excuse to explain the disappearance).
Learning to Take No Answer for an Answer
It goes without saying that when dating hot Dominican women, the sting of the soft ghost can hurt, especially if you thought there was an emotional bond between you – or, worse, you’ve already had your wedding planned out and thought of names for your kids.
In the modern dating era, it’s not just enough to take “no” for an answer anymore. You also have to learn to take “no answer” as an answer. This is the reality of soft ghosting that is becoming increasingly popular on dating sites where men meet Latin women online.
But if you’re sick of being soft ghosted by beautiful Latin girls or you want to shield yourself from taking it too personally when other people use the new online dating trend on you, read our tips below.
Alternatives to Soft Ghosting Online
First and foremost, you need to realize that the vast majority of Latin women ghost and soft ghost for a reason. When your relationship or conversation goes sour, the method that your partner chooses to put an end to this “thing” depends on his or her personality type.
While some people resort to open confrontation to talk things through and express their feelings and thoughts, others use less transparent and, sometimes, more painful tactics such as ghosting and soft ghosting.
Soft ghosts prefer what is called the “avoidance” strategy to end a relationship or communication. However, dating coaches seem to unanimously agree that it’s an unhealthy way for both the ghoster and ghostee.
While it might seem more convenient and easier to just disappear from someone else’s life without having to explain yourself, it would be much more liberating and refreshing to express how you feel.
In fact, if this is the person that could potentially be your soulmate, that honesty could actually get your relationship on the right track and give you a chance to redeem your romance.
How to Be Prepared for Soft Ghosting Online
If you’re the one getting soft ghosted, on the other hand, the best – and often, the only – advice to be prepared for it is not to take it personally. However, this might be a little too difficult if you’ve been soft-ghosted in a long-term relationship.
Also, if you think that you’ve been soft-ghosted – the other person liked your comment but didn’t actually respond – don’t overreact or jump to conclusions. Give that person some time to reply.
After all, just because your partner had the time to read e your message doesn’t necessarily mean that he or she is available to write back immediately.
Don’t expect instant validation from other people when communicating online. Some people need some time to think of the most appropriate or witty response and write back.
Last but not least, the person you’re talking to on an online dating site doesn’t owe you anything unless you’re in a committed relationship together.
Sure, it can hurt when someone just ignores you or disappears from your life without any explanation whatsoever, but see the bright side here: You can move on to find another partner who doesn’t have the habit of soft ghosting.
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