It may not be news to you, but 99.9% of men keep secrets in new relationships to look more attractive in the eyes of their girlfriends or to avoid conflicts.
And it has been long known that Russian women tend to be more aware of the secrets of their boyfriends compared to other women.
The first thing that your boyfriend may keep in secret from you is the fact that he looks at other women. But don’t get all mad about it, it’s a natural thing. On his subconscious level, every men is a male, who instinctively looks at women in order to find a perfect mother for his children.
And it may be news to young Russian girls, but even married men and guys who’re deeply in love check out other beautiful Russian women. Even if he’s doing it on some dating website.
But for mature Russian women it won’t be a problem as they know that looking at other women doesn’t mean sleeping with them. So even if you catch your boyfriend browsing through some sexy Russian girl gallery, don’t make a scene out of it.
It’s not a big deal if your boyfriend looks at hot Russian girls, as long as he is not willing to cheat on you. The second secret Russian brides need to be aware about before starting a new relationship is that men may not show it openly, but they don’t like answering questions about your looks.
Most of the ‘How do I look?’ questions seem silly to men, which is why they even find them annoying. If you’re a single Russian girl and you want your boyfriend to compliment you, don’t fish for them.
Look your best and he will eventually compliment you. But in no way should you ask your boyfriend questions such as ‘Does this T-shirt make me look fat?’ every 20 minutes.
If you want to be a perfect Russia wife, apart from cooking delicious meals and keeping your apartment clean, you also need to know your man’s ultimate secret desire.
And that secret desire is that he wants to have spontaneous sex. Men love to have spontaneous sex, since it makes them feel as sexy guys from some romantic movie.
In that case, seduce your men in an unexpected yet private place and have a steamy, spontaneous sex. Another thing that men tend to keep in secret from their lovely Russian ladies is their sexual preferences. So go ahead and ask your man about his secret desires in bed and make him feel really good.
Also, this is something most men keep in secret in their new relationship: they want to get isolated and ‘restart’ their system from time to time. It’s no secret that women use shopping or talking to friends as a way to reduce emotional stress.
But for men it’s more difficult than that as men cannot relax and chat with someone at the same time. So it’s best to not annoy your boyfriend with questions or requests when you see him emotionally stressed or if he has just finished work. Let him relax a bit.
Men tend to say they don’t lie, but that’s a lie. Surprised? Well, men sometimes lie in order to avoid conflicts in their relationship. Men don’t like it when their loved one is raising her voice or gets mad, so they tend to use their most cunning weapon – lies.
The only way to make your men be more honest is to build mutual trust. If you let him know that you won’t make a scene every time he wants to spend time with his friends, he won’t be lying to you that he had to work extra hours at the office.
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