February 25, 2025


International dating advice for men seeking foreign brides


Her name is Lana.
You saw this Russian hot girl online profile and you knew that she was the one. There are a lot of Russian brides to pick from but this one talks to only you and you know those words are yours only. Nobody else. Many Russian girls’ selfies stare at you as you click through profile after profile but only this one’s words keep repeating themselves to you over and over in your head:

Pretty Russian babe for you“A cute Russian girl just for you. I believe that the matching of two people is not on the level of our eyes! It is an inner feeling and destiny! It is our chemistry and our aromas! It is the feeling of closeness and pleasant feeling inside of our souls!

Papa are you feeling something warm in your heart reading this – please write me! Let me know! I would be glad to know you closer”

The sexiness oozing out of this hot Russian bride to be is giving you a warm feeling inside. She wants you to write to her. What are you going to say? Here are a few tips.

  • hot Russian brideDo not type and email your letter. I know it is tempting with the internet and all, but hand written letters are the best. This is personal so make it so. She is special make her feel that way. Use white or cream stationery with black or brown ink. No blue (too formal) and not red. (Really?)
  • Create an atmosphere that will stimulate a romantic mood. Get away from noise and put on soft music and don’t forget to dim the lights. The words will come to you.
  • Date your Love Letter (month, day, and year). Russian women are romantic creatures. They value artistry and memorabilia. It’s their culture and a letter especially a love letter falls into this category. She will treasure and remember it so make it count. You can bet that it will be read over and over and safeguarded in a special place.
  • Choose a lovable greeting. Don’t be too formal. Use your love’s first name. For example: “My dearest Lanka . . .”
  • Russian dating is very methodical and creativity is very important. Create with words. Engage from the very beginning. Let Identify with her from your inner self know how you feel in your heart.
  • Something like “ Not a day “There is not a single day that goes by that I don’t think of you. You’re beautiful smile that warms my heart whenever I see your picture. Am crazy about you. I know it sounds crazy but I cannot hide much longer how I feelwhat I feel any longer.” This is not the time to be a nervous wreck give your all Don’t feel shy or bashful let it all out otherwise she may sense some hesitance and will not be willing to reciprocate in the same way.
  • Russian datingMany of this websites offer Russian mail brides and most of them have had the opportunity to get higher education are very learned. Their avid readers appreciate museum visits They take time to read, go to museims, study poetry and even music. Mention to her about an artist she has on her profile. She will take it as a compliment and will have a deep affection to you for taking time to quote.
  • When coming to the end of your letter let it be as lovey dovey as the beginning. Be positive and sappy. Something like:You can say something like:
    “Words are not enough to express how I feel for you. I will only rest when I see your letter, which I hope is soon my love“I could go on forever on how I feel. I will stop now. But my heart will go on as it is full of words. I cannot wait to read from you my love.”
  • Sign off just right. Forever yours usually does it.
  • Leave a memento. In the old days before emojis and funny internet characters, lovers would fold a letter neatly and insert petals from a flower, a ribbon or button. Go back to medieval times and try that. It’s quite refreshing and will make your Russian lover blush and skip with joy while holding that letter close to her heart!