January 9, 2025


International dating advice for men seeking foreign brides


In online dating, be it with Russian girls or any other nationality, communication is the key. Unlike local dating where you can check up on the person when she refuses to pick your calls, the distance in international dating will not allow you to do that easily. There are times when you may choose to flirt Russian brides and out of being too carefree, you say something that gets her irritated and she stops to write back. Then with her absence, you suddenly realize you actually needed her, like they say, ‘you never know what you have till you lose it’. Breaking her silence becomes a steep hill you have no option but to climb.

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First off, when you mess with Russian hot girls, do not expect to be welcomed back with open arms because there are thousands of men on the line, waiting. Probably, she may have fallen for another. Write her again and give her some time to see if she will reply. What you will write here must not be a long note. A simple ‘hi’ is just enough. The idea is to catch her attention. Don’t push too hard and don’t appear to be desperate. Both will get you nowhere. When you write, give her three to five days before writing again.

If you are lucky to get a reply from you Russian sexy girl, what should follow immediately should be an apology. No blame game, just apologize. Russian single ladies like every other girl are suckers for sweet words. Make this your arrow head. Be as poetic as your brain can by telling her all the sweet things she would love to hear but most importantly, let the words come from your heart. On the other hand, if after trying for two weeks and she still refused to reply, still send in your apology regretting your actions.

Your hot Russians are still refusing to answer? Try contacting her through other means. Maybe you have her contact on other social media, you should try contacting her using those means. There is the possibility that she may be having difficulty logging into the dating website or maybe her schedules does not allow her to do so anymore. Wait for a week after your first apology note before sending another. Women like to play the waiting game and you should let her have fun with it.russian sexy girl

Russian dating needs patience if you must succeed. Getting angry will only make things worse. Try to understand what really happened rather than making hasty conclusions, women hate taking blames and Russian girls are no exception to this. If it was your fault that the relationship is at fault, tender your apology in a polite manner and if you think it is hers, ask for explanations. Men are guilty of pointing accusing fingers when a woman is trying to explain a situation (most times out of ego) and this prevents them from understanding any point the woman is trying to make. Try not to interrupt her midway into an explanation, it hurts.

Finally, if she has other friends that you know, you can write to them to help you tell her how sorry you are or to find out what exactly is wrong with her. Signing up for Russia dating doesn’t mean that you should stick with one person. If it is not working with one person, move on. Write other girls and try to establish a new relationship. Life is too short to spend eternity mourning spilt milk. Sometimes, it is easier to make a new relationship than fix a broken one.