Do you start hating your life the moment you wake up on Monday morning and keep hating it throughout the day even though your Russian dating goes well?
You easily get aggressive, everything feels like a drag, you’re a stressful mess and you feel like you’re about to murder your boss and colleagues.
If this sounds like your life, you may be a victim of the Monday Blues, a commonly used term to describe a plethora of negative emotions people may develop at the beginning of the workweek.
And trust me: it’s not something you want to ignore any longer, because the Monday Blues are messing with your life.
Unless the Monday Blues problem is addressed head-on, you risk becoming a walking substance of depression and anxiety that keeps hating life and everything that has to with it, including Russian dating.
Now, if you want to meet Russian girl for marriage, this is the wrong approach. No Russia woman would want to date a guy who hates his job and life.
If you’re stressful, depressed, exhausted and hopeless on Mondays – and this whirlwind of negative emotions is consistent week by week – you may want to consider the following ways to beat the Monday Blues:
1. Be honest with yourself
If you’re suffering from the Monday Blues, it’s important to be honest with yourself. Identify the root of your Monday’s lack of energy and productivity.
Do you actually like what you’re doing for a living or is it time to move on? If you were happy with your job, you’d be excited to come in even on Monday morning and do whatever it is you’re doing every single day.
Sure, not all of us get to have run-your-business-from-a-beach-while-sipping-on-a-cocktail jobs, but you must always aspire to progress and land the job of your dreams.
If you dream to work in a company full of Russian perfect girls, find a company that has Russian hot ladies photos on their ‘About Us’ page and see if they’re currently hiring.
Basically, you can be anything and anyone you want if you truly go after that dream.
If you have the Monday Blues, it means that you’re making no progress whatsoever and have come to terms with a crappy job. Your whole body is literally rejecting your current lifestyle with all the negative emotions. Isn’t it time to listen to your body?
You can’t expect happiness to just fall into your lap. You have to fight for it.
2. Forget about work
… but only for the weekend.
Look, nobody is going to feel awesome on Monday morning if they spend weekends working or constantly reminding themselves of work.
That’s why you need to learn how to forget about work on weekends. Don’t make any work-related calls (and don’t take them unless it’s urgent), don’t check your work email or voicemail and stop worrying about job-related stuff.
You know, weekends were made to give us the opportunity to rest and soak up the energy for a new workweek. A weekend is by no means just an extra two days to work after Friday.
3. Have fun at work
While most jobs are not fun, it’s not like you’re sitting in a cubicle all day isolated from other people.
Communicate with your colleagues and find things to laugh at or smile about in your everyday routine activities. Or if you’re dating Russian Ukrainian women, ask her to come by for a quick coffee break in the office.
Spice up your life, but don’t let the ‘fun’ things negatively impact your performance.
4. Have fun outside of work
We’re all different. Some find job in cooking, others enjoy watching TV after work, and many like to hang out on social media.
And some just want to meet the Russian online so they sign up on online dating websites to meet Russian singles.
Now, I don’t about you but if i want to date a Russian girl, I go online and chat with all these gorgeous Russian ladies.
Studies have shown that chatting with the opposite sex online while imagining all the good things you can do together when you finally meet up has a positive impact on your life.
No wonder why people in love seem to be like the happiest people ever even on Monday morning. If you want to beat the Monday Blues, find ways to enjoy life outside work.
If you enjoy chatting with Russian women seeking men, make sure you get plenty of that after a long day at work.
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