March 16, 2025

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Dating Russian Ladies: What to Expect When Dating Russian Single Moms

While dating women has always had its fair share of challenges, dating single moms, Russian ladies, in particular, can be especially tough. Russia has one of the highest divorce rates in the world; despite this, their traditional views on familial ties remain intact. Moreover, Russia also has a more traditional view on gender roles and has therefore placed expectations of raising children on women.

Although many Russians still believe two-parent households are better, the combination of the two aforementioned factors has led to a large number of single moms in Russia.

Therefore, if you’re considering dating single moms, particularly single Russian ladies, you will need to take into account several things like the problems generally encountered and how to approach dating when it comes to single mothers.

Here are some of the things you need to expect if your potential romantic partner already has kids from a previous relationship:

meet Russian girls online

  1. It’s a Package Deal

Whether or not your potential romantic partners have full custody of their kids, they will still have a huge part when it comes to their dating life. Not only will this affect how they select their partners, but it will also affect how they act in relationships. You will always remain number two in terms of priority because their kids will always come first.

This is particularly true with Russian girls due to the more traditional roles and a strong emphasis on family values in Russia.

Therefore, if you’re dating someone with kids from a previous relationship, you will have to do so knowing that she and the kids are a package deal. 

  1. Her Ex Might Still Be a Part of Her Life – and Yours

This is another thing you will need to accept when dating a single mom. This might not be a problem if their ex is completely out of the picture but if your new partner has a co-parenting deal with them, you will have to deal with them being a part of your lives.

This doesn’t mean that you have to insert yourself in their drama. Whether or not your new partner gets along with her ex – and in most Russian divorces, they don’t – you need to remain cool about it. You can be supportive, especially when your partner has troubles with her ex, but don’t get in the middle of it. More importantly, don’t talk badly about her ex, especially with her kids.

  1. Casual Relationships Are Less Likely

single Russian ladiesEven when you meet Russian girls online, casual relationships are less likely due to the presence of their kids. With dating comes the possibility of integrating their partner into the family, and it’s for this reason why single moms don’t take dating lightly.

Stability is important to the well-being and overall development of children, with studies showing that children from single-parent homes still do as well as those with both parents when they grow up in a stable environment.

While no one’s asking you to become a parent, you will have to ensure you make your intentions regarding the relationship clear early on. This is to avoid any possible complications, especially when you meet their kids.

On the upside, dating a single mom means you can be more or less sure that she will take the relationship seriously.

  1. Don’t Expect to Meet their Children Immediately

Most women are very protective of their children and will, therefore, put off letting you meet their kids until they feel the relationship is stable enough.

This is because, as mentioned, stability is crucial to the well-being and development of children, especially those who have undergone difficult situations like their parents’ divorce. Therefore, anything that might threaten any stability gained after such an event, like meeting their parent’s new romantic interest, will be something your partner will be wary of.

So don’t be offended if they put off or outright refuse to let you meet their kids. When your girlfriend showed you the picture of her little daughter, the lovely blonde Russian girl, but never intended to let you meet her. Don’t take it personally. Instead, focus on building your relationship with your partner first. When they feel comfortable enough, they will let eventually let you meet them.

  1. Spontaneous Romantic Plans Might Not Be Possible Anymore

While a sudden romantic getaway may sound amazing, it may not be a realistic option as they can’t just drop their commitment to their kids and go. When dating a single mom, the best way to go about it is to schedule it.

Although it’s not as romantic as a sudden trip out of town, your partner will appreciate the effort and consideration taken for their time and kids.

  1. Date Nights and Other Plans Might Suddenly Be Changed or Canceled

blonde RussianDating single Russian ladies with kids may mean some unpredictability when it comes to date nights and other plans. It also means being more flexible and understanding when they suddenly cancel or cut the date short.

You might have planned a romantic dinner but your partner had to cut the date short because her kid suddenly came down with a fever. Perhaps you had a whole night out planned but they had to take a rain check because their babysitter failed to show up.

While this may make you feel disappointed, this doesn’t mean your partner doesn’t consider your dates or plans important, it’s just that she has responsibilities and her kids are her main priority.


Dating a single Russian mom can be challenging than dating someone without. However, it can also be rewarding, especially when she finally trusts you enough to let you meet her kids.

Her main priority will always be her children, but if she decides that there’s enough room for you as well, then consider yourself lucky. Also, who knows? You might end up falling in love not just with your partner but with her kids as well.

Russian dating