Are you currently in a relationship with a soon-to-be Ukrainian bride who constantly questions your intentions? Does she always need you to reassure her feelings? This guide is for those who want to build a solid and trusting connection but are still clueless about how to convince a woman of your genuine goals and intentions for the relationship.
Why Women Question Your Intentions When Dating
It’s just natural for people to always be on guard, mainly because of the traumas and burns they got from their past dating experiences. And, in the case of chasing a Ukrainian wife, they will always be on the lookout for F-boy behavior and they will immediately pick up any sign that a man is only looking for a casual hookup or something less committed.
However, there is a false belief in marriage in Ukraine that women can always figure out your intentions as if they have ultra-smart computers in their heads that can quickly analyze each of your actions and behaviors. Even worse, it’s often used as an excuse by men to keep their intentions from women a secret since they think that women can always find out about them.
“Women can tell when you’re hitting on them right away.” While this statement can be partially true, it is not 100% accurate, so you can’t use it to justify men not disclosing their true intentions when approaching women. More importantly, because these arguments are faulty on many different levels, men ought to be more upfront about their dating intentions.
There are a lot of components that lead to a healthy relationship with a Ukrainian bride, and intentions are like the GPS guiding a couple to navigate the journey together. From creating a supportive environment to simply aiming to put more smiles on each other’s faces, these objectives set the ambiance for how you want the whole relationship with a girl from a Ukrainian marriage agency to feel.
Dating Behaviors That Lead to Women Questioning Your Intentions
Before we go further, let’s discuss the topic with more common sense. If all women have that high level of intuitiveness, why would we see women wondering about whether a guy is really into her on TV dramas? Any Ukrainian bride has that mind-reading ability, don’t they? This is obviously a lazy generalization and we have to change our mind about it.
Now that you know the misconceptions surrounding women’s views on men’s dating intentions, let’s discuss particular behaviors that can leave women feeling completely perplexed!
- Not Asking For A Date
One mistake men often make, especially in the online world, is not asking a Ukrainian bride for a real date or at least taking too long to do so. Your ability to set up a date, with a specific time and place, is essential for women. If not, she’ll think you’re only after her attention. So, once you get a match, don’t spend too much time in the texting stage and start to plan a date. - Complimenting Her Too Often
Compliments are good and they’re needed when you date Ukraine women. But, you run the risk of giving her the wrong impression if they are too fixated on physical appearances, particularly in the onset periods of dating. It’s possible that she will assume your goal is simply to get her into bed, which is unfortunate if your actual objective involves something more serious. - Focusing On Physical Intimacy
Similarly, focusing too much on physical intimacy with your Ukrainian bride can also lead to her thinking that you only want her body. While it is true that every relationship involves a certain degree of physical intimacy, focusing on it too much is never recommended. Even if she also wants that intimacy, she will eventually think that you’re not interested in building a meaningful relationship. - Inconsistency
Women from any Ukraine dating site value consistency, particularly in the face of inconsistent men they encounter in the dating world. A woman will begin to doubt your sincerity if you appear to be very attentive one moment and distant the next. Being consistent will help you gain her trust over time, as our parents always taught us that deeds speak louder than words. - Spending Too Much Time On Social Media
No, we’re not discussing the reasons why men shouldn’t post more than five IG stories in a single day. Instead, we are discussing the scenario where you talk with her too often on social media rather than sending her a text. For many women, texting is a more private and intimate form of communication, so you should spend the majority of your time with her there.
The Takeaway
Whether you’re dating a Ukrainian bride online or in person, a lasting and fulfilling with the women of Ukraine starts with a clear intention. It prevents you from wasting each other’s time and the two of you are dating with a clear intention in your mind. Even if you don’t see clearly stating your intention when dating as a big thing, it can actually allow you both to be on the same page.
Where does he want this relationship to go? Does he want it to end up in a life-long commitment? These questions put Ukrainian women in misery, and you should be ashamed of yourself if you allow her to be in a position for too long. That might be a hard pill to swallow, but, as a man and a fully-grown adult, you have to be responsible and serious about it.
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