When it comes to choosing a high-quality Ukrainian bride, sometimes you need to show her that you can care less. This may help you check if the other party is as caring and as attentive as you are. That being said, playing hard to get is a communication strategy in a relationship that is as old as time.
Many believe that it is an effective strategy, while others say it is unnecessary and can actually be harmful to both parties. Obviously, when done excessively with malicious intention, playing hard to get with Ukraine mail order brides is downright manipulative. But, do we need to completely avoid and get rid of it in our relationship?
How Playing Hard to Get Works with A Ukrainian Bride
Humankind has probably played the hard-to-get strategy since they started dating a Ukrainian bride. The main goal of this approach is to make that person from the Ukraine bride agency do the extra work to get close to you and see if she is going to do it. The question now is does this strategy really work in a relationship?
There have not been many studies done on the topic, but one recent finding reveals that withholding obvious signs of romantic interest can actually be both beneficial and damaging for a relationship. Surprisingly, what defines the outcome the most is the attachment style of the target.
An attachment style is the behavior pattern people display in a close relationship and can be categorized as secure and insecure. Women of Ukraine with an insecure attachment style usually tend to avoid intimacy, while others who fall in the secure category usually tend to pursue the other person.
What the study reveals is that Ukraine singles with an insecure attachment style are more likely to play hard to get. Interestingly, researchers found out that they do it for various reasons such as partner selection, trying to take control of the relationship, or as a way of self-protection.
How to Play Hard to Get The Right Way
As you have learned above, playing hard to get is not always about getting the attention of the Ukrainian bride. It can also be a strategy to gain better control of the relationship. Unfortunately, if you decide to play this game, you might also end up with misunderstandings and missed connections.
To avoid this disastrous situation with someone from a Ukraine dating app and educate yourself on how to effectively play the playing-hard-to-get game, read the tips and tricks below.
Know Your Target
The first and most important thing to remember when joining a Ukraine dating site is that you cannot play hard to get with everyone! Studies say that people are more interested in a partner who is crystal clear about their romantic intentions.
So, before you decide to play hard to get, test the water first and see if your partner is the kind of person who will pursue your attention. Moreover, you should know that playing hard to get will only do you a favor when the other person feels that she will be rewarded for her efforts.
Be Unavailable Sometimes
I know you love to be around your partner and it feels nice to see her face and listen to her voice. However, being overly available can make the relationship kind of boring, especially if you are seeing a girl who is a chaser.
Being not available at times can actually spice things up because it makes your partner more curious about the things you do and what is actually happening inside your mind. This will work great if the Ukrainian bride is a pursuer because she will not give up easily before she can figure out what is going on.
Be Playful
Remember that you are only “playing” hard to get, so don’t be too serious about it and be a little bit more playful with your Ukrainian bride. Always ignoring her calls and never reciprocating her actions can actually backfire and make her believe that you are genuinely not interested in her.
You don’t want her to actually give up on you, do you? So, make sure you know you give her the proper response at times and don’t hesitate to make flirty responses. This will surely make her crave your attention more, which is very beneficial for the relationship.
Your ultimate goal here is to be moderately unavailable with the beautiful women of Ukraine, not becoming completely out of reach! One point to note is to never forget to reward your partner’s actions with nice things like caring gestures and flirtatious conversations.
Also, don’t try to play hard to get unless you are sure that the other person is 100% interested in you. Otherwise, she will immediately go and find another person she is more interested in.
The Takeaway
Playing hard to get is one of the most commonly used strategies in Ukraina dating and we might have done it without even knowing. What we sometimes are not aware of is that this strategy is a two-sided blade that might do more harm than good things if not executed properly.
Experts believe that the efficiency of this strategy is somewhat paradoxical, which is why we need to be extra careful about it when dating a Ukrainian bride. If you are a man trying to get the attention of a Ukrainian bride, the do’s and don’ts can help you play hard to get the right way without risking the relationship.
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