March 9, 2025

International dating advice for men seeking foreign brides

Common mistakes men make when dating Russian girls

There is a striking difference between American and Russian girls. Understanding these glaring differences can help you become a better date. Men who neglect these differences tend to treat them as the same and the result is that they run into troubles in no distant time. To better understand the common mistakes men make when dating Russian girls, it is paramount that some comparison will need to be made between Russian women and their counterparts in the west.

hottest-russian-bridesThe difference in the two parties has societal bearing
What makes a Russian bride behave differently from her American counterpart has a strong anchorage on their societal values. While a Russian girl will easily succumb to the rule of her male counterpart in a relationship (because of her patriarchal societal upbringing), an American lady will be more of a feminist and demand to have more stake in the relationship. Treat a Russian lady within the confines of her societal belief and you will have no problem.

The meaning of romance differs between the two parties
America is a more liberal country and because of this, their girls will demand that you treat them exactly the way they want or they may raise a sexual assault alarm. Hottest Russian brides, on the other hand, will try to understand the actions of the man and give him the chance to steer the relationship that he deems fit.

This does not mean that you should act like a god over your Russian lady. Russian ladies are submissive and will allow you to dictate what you want them to do every now and then but don’t make the mistake of pushing your luck too far. They also desire to be in control at some point and the wise thing to do if you desire a successful relationship is to let her have her way at such points.

Simple romantic acts are highly envisaged among
Men who are more used to dating American women may neglect simple romantic acts when they are sexy hot Russian such as opening the door for her, spoon feeding her or picking her off the ground. These girls crave for it and when they are not forthcoming, it can affect the smooth sail of the relationship.

sexy-hot-russianDon’t get tired of admiring her
Russian wives love to be admired. Admiring here should go beyond staring into her eyes like a love-struck teenager. Stare at her with a longing and intent of filling her ears with compliments. Brides in Russia love to be complimented. A compliment is one gesture that has lost its meaning in the west but still remains a sure fire to get your sexy Russian girl dreaming of you. When you compliment her, don’t make it sound casual, say every word of it like you mean it.

Understand her tradition
Firstly, it is important to understand Russian marriage traditions before taking the leap to date a Russian lady. The dos and don’ts of Russian dating are all embedded silently in their traditions. For example, Russian women don’t joke with their mothers and if you are to successfully date them, you must have this at the back of your mind. Likewise, mother-in-laws have a special place in the family which should be respected too.

This sort of family cohesion may be difficult for an American man to understand because in the West the common practice is for each person to think for his or herself. However, if you have made up your mind to date a Russian, then you will have no other choice than to unlearn what you have learned.