Men communicate differently than women and this leads to a lot of problems, especially inColombian dating. Being in a relationship is already complicated and add to it the need to clearly communicate at every step, men tend to get overwhelmed and make a lot of mistakes in communication. Mistakes or no mistakes, being a good communicator is important to survive in a relationship and steer clear of the misunderstandings that may happen because of the wrong usage of words or expressions.
Here are some communication-related issues that men struggle with while dating Colombian women, in fact these problems can be generally seen in men, no matter who they are dating.
Men Can’t Talk About Emotions
Men struggle with understanding and expressing emotions. So, whether it’s a friend venting to them or talking about how they are feeling themselves, men will always fail. This is not their fault entirely because men do not have the genetics for emotions plus our society also doesn’t allow them to develop a sensitive side. Men are raised to be tough, which over the time makes them somewhat insensitive towards emotions and then we get to a point where it takes to break a man and make him open up to his family and friends.
Phrases like ‘shake it off’ or ‘be a man’ are the culprits of our society that make men incapable of emoting as they grow up and this becomes a huge problem when these same men get into relationships after searching dating sites for singles. Problems in relationships start arising as soon as they take a serious turn because this is when emotions come into play. Men often cause misunderstandings because either they fail to understand the emotions of their partner or they fail to express what they are feeling.
Men Struggle with Hints
Men struggle to pick up hints thrown at them by beautiful Latina ladies. This happens because men are used to talking clearly and making to the point conversation, but women are raised to be just opposite of that. This is why women tend to leave hints rather than straightaway ask for something. For example, if a woman wants to try a new restaurant, chances are that she will drop a hint about it rather than saying ‘let’s go there for dinner tonight’. This subtlety in communication is deadly for men because they will never pick this hint and will end up creating a huge misunderstanding on the lines of not wanting to go out for dinner at all.
According to experts, men in a relationship should ask questions and make extra efforts to understand what exotic Latin women are trying to say through hints. Asking questions along with being attentive are the only things that can save men from making communication blunders in a relationship. It is not enough to choose a girl after looking at Colombian girls photos, you will have to learn to understand what they do not say.
Men are not Good Listeners
Most men are not good listeners and this one habit has the potential to break relationships. Hot Latin American women like to talk and there is a lot of information and hints in what they are saying. Imagine what happens when just do not listen to a conversation and escape by just nodding through it all only to realize a few days later that they missed a crucial information. Believe it or not but men not listening and later claiming that a conversation did not happen at all, is one of the biggest relationship breakers of all times.
Is not listening their fault? May be or maybe not. Men are generally not talkers and whoever are, like to talk in straight sentences, so when attractive Latina women talks nonstop, their brains tend to get overloaded and the best way out for them is to skim. So, when ladies talk, men just nod their heads at equal intervals and make sure that they get out of the situation without having to process a lot. This approach is ok sometimes but doing this always can obviously lead to misunderstandings in the long run and can also be fatal to a relationship.
Men Cannot Handle Complicated Questions
Men do not like to answer complicated, emotional questions and that is because they simply cannot. It is easy for them to find Latin single women on dating websites, but they cannot handle questions like ‘Am I looking fat?’ or ‘Is she prettier than me?’. Questions like these put men in a very difficult spot and their only way out is through an awkward answer which can easily lead to misunderstandings.
These questions are the reason why men should learn to communicate properly because women will never stop asking such questions and men will have to answer appropriately no matter which era we are living in. Women mostly ask emotional questions to get some reassurance from their partner and learning to answer these questions with a proper usage of words and expressions can go a long way in keeping a relationship intact.
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