Let’s admit it: discussing sex topics is an intimate thing for every human being. Not every person is willing to share his/her sexual experiences, sexual preferences and anything sex-related for that matter.
And when it comes to dating websites, Russian women generally try to avoid sex topics as to not leave men under the impression that they could be sluts. And while it makes perfect sense, but any Russian sexy girl wants to feel comfortable enough to talk about those topics and not limit herself.
And that’s what your goal is: to establish the kind of trust so that a Russian girl would feel comfortable and safe sharing sex secrets with you. And let’s not forget that’s it’s an online conversation we’re talking about, so Russian singles that hangout on dating websites are often afraid that people could take screenshots of them revealing their naught self.
But in their nature, beautiful Russian girls are indeed naughty! And once you let her unleash her sex-hungry self, you’ll understand why any Russian dating agency has lots of traffic from foreign men: it’s because they all want to find Russian woman for marriage.
Imagine living with that sex-hungry, naughty creature at home. Of course, foreign men so eagerly sign up on online dating websites to find Russian bride.
You need to establish a trust between you so that you could get deeper toward more intimate topics such as sex. Sex is a very interesting topic for Russian women. But gorgeous Russian girls tend to be shy about those topics, as they don’t feel comfortable discussing anything sex-related online at first.
So your goal is to establish the kind of trust in an online conversation with a hot Russian girl that would allow her to feel truly comfortable to the point when she’s okay to discuss sex-related topics. Such topics turn both of you on, so why not use them in online conversations?
But before you start attacking her with all kinds of sex-related topics, you need to make sure that she has shared at least one personal secret with you during your online chat. And that could be, for example, the fact that she hasn’t told her dad she made that tattoo of a butterfly on her lower back or whatever.
If a Russian girl is not willing to share much, reveal a personal secret about yourself and ask her to share one about herself in exchange. And once she reveals some personal secret to you, you’re standing on a very dangerous cliff here.
That’s because you could be either sent to a Russian girl’s friend zone, and she will be sharing all kinds of personal secrets and stories with you ‘because oh boy you’re such a good friend to me!’ or you could evolve into her potential male partner in life.
So this is the best time to start bringing up sex-related topics in an online chat. Russian women appreciate it when men initiate things by themselves, so she’ll surely be happy when you become the one who asks your first-ever sex-related question in the conversation between you two.
Moreover, sex-related topics build up that sexual tension between you. And that sexual tension cannot be immediately satisfied between you two, which adds even more power to such conversations. But this kind of topics should make both you and her anticipate your first meeting in person.
Ask her sex-related questions such as what was her first sexual experience like (don’t even bother asking her about at what age it happened or how many sexual partners she has had), ask her what turns her on the most and if she became a man for just one day, what would be the things she would do?
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