Ask any Ukrainian or Russian man and he’ll tell you that it’s becoming harder and harder to impress Ukrainian babes. But does it mean that Ukrainian women are becoming too demanding?
Not really. You see, the standard of living in Ukraine and Russia is below the acceptable level, with millions of families living in poverty. It’s no secret that Russian girls for marriage seek romantic opportunities abroad, but what habits do Ukraine chicks truly admire in American and Western men?
What is it about Westerners that attracts Ukrainian women so much? Is it money? Is it a green card? Or what is it? Let’s find out in a bit. After all, we all want to know why Russian ladies are more likely to date a Westerner than a Russian guy.
In Ukraine and Russia, it’s not uncommon for local men to have low self-esteem and self-confidence, especially when it comes to dating women on Ukraine online dating sites.
Ukrainian and Russian men could definitely learn a thing or two about American men’s self-confidence, which has the effect of a magnet on Ukrainian women
Handling of finances
The vast majority of Russian and Ukrainian men wait until their final years in the university to find their first job instead of living on their parents’ money. American and Western men, on the other hand, aspire for financial independence early from a very young age. Some even work night shifts in high school to be able to provide for themselves.
While many people mistake self-confidence for cockiness and patronizing behavior, American men know how to be confident without being hostile toward other people.
In Russia and Ukrainian, men tend to think that they can appear more confident in the eyes of women if they show off, insult people, or develop a patronizing behavior. But if you’re on any top online dating site and get a Ukraine date login to ask Russian and Ukrainian women around, they will tell you that there is nothing sexier than a combination of confidence, friendliness and good manners.
And, believe it or not, some American and Western men know the perfect balance of friendliness and confidence.
The ability to see the bright side of pretty much everything is another American habit that attracts Russian and Ukrainian women on Ukraina online dating sites. Optimism can be very magnetizing, and Western men naturally have plenty of that in them. Russian men, on the other hand, not so much.
Reaction to criticism
If someone criticizes a Russian or Ukrainian man, and this criticism is justified, that man will either turn to violence or crawl into a hole to hide from that criticism. American men, on the other hand, can take criticism and react more adequately. They perceive criticism as a way to improve and grow based on their past mistakes.
Personal style
If you have an online dating Ukraine login on any dating website, do a quick search on male profiles there. You’ll notice a huge difference between how Ukrainian men and Western men are dressed. Most Westerners know that when it comes to meeting ladies, their own clothing plays a major role. You don’t necessarily need to buy all the trendies clothing seen during Paris Fashion Week. All you need is to know what fits you and have a good sense of personal style.
Grooming and hygiene
Western men are proud of their physical appearance, and they certainly know how to take care of their bodies. That includes not only their aspiration to look like men (T-shaped bodies, abs, muscular shoulders, and all that), but also their grooming and hygiene. Unfortunately, many Ukrainian and Russian men have no proper grooming or hygiene routine whatsoever, which is why so many of them end up having a hard time to get a girlfriend.
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