To be honest, it’s kind of a situation to date women much younger than you, with some cultures still viewing it as taboo. But dating younger women is here to stay for various reasons, so that young Russian date you were able to hatch on to last month was indeed no accident or rarity! There’s no reason why you should shy away from this phenomenon of your silver hair reigning supreme. That said, the critical part will be to hold on to such a relationship and be attractive enough for your better, younger Russian beauty to clutch on to you as much as you wish to hang on to her. Let’s try to understand what’s at work here, on both sides of the coin, as we touch upon some tips for you to be and remain attractive to younger women.
Remain Active & Fun-Loving
You should remember those good old days when you were in your twenties, crashing into parties and having fun all night long. Spare a thought for your young girlfriend. Just because you are older now and don’t appreciate the fun factor as much as you would have decades ago, it shouldn’t get in the way of your Russian beauty! She has her needs, so date a younger woman only if you have it in you to join her into late night parties and outings. In short, be ready to return to your twenties like you promised yourself to.
Discuss & Set Expectations Upfront
What are you looking for in this relationship? More importantly, what are the expectations of your younger partner? Sit down and have the difficult discussion, because postponing it will only increase the chances of you or your partner being disappointed at the end of it all. If you got hooked up having a material takeaway such as Russian women for marriage in your mind, that’s fine. Just ensure that your partner is also game for it.
Get Ready For The Social Backlash
Being with a woman much younger than your age is certainly going to get people talking, sometimes in a nasty way. Discuss this with your partner and decide what you wish to do in such a situation. After all, who isn’t going to want to hook on to your Belarus beauty given that you seem to be such an old weakling to those prying eyes? It’s better to face the situation and not lose your cool. Ignoring such a situation altogether is going to be pretty difficult because it’s going to present itself more often than not.
Show Your Care, But Don’t Overdo It
One of the coolest things about being the younger person in the relationship is to be cared for. Most girls are going to love this, but don’t overdo it and end up reminding them of their overly protective dad or uncle! Forget what that mobile dating site told you about tips on dating a Russian woman. Even teenagers know how to take care of themselves for the most part, so give your partner the necessary space while still unwinding your love and care on her.
Progress In The Relationship Irrespective Of Your Differences
It doesn’t matter if you found your partner on a Russian girls video chat portal or a Russian ladies online website. It’s time to progress in the relationship and move ahead and bridge the generation gap. Try to be compatible with your partner while still being yourself. Never take anything in the relationship as a one side thing as either of you are eventually going to get fed up with making sacrifices for the other. Communication is the key element in fulfilling expectations for both of you. Understand that you both are decades apart in terms of taste and lifestyle. It’s how you both choose to merge in and fill up for the shortcomings.
Socialize With Friends & Family
A key challenge will be for you both to throw away the odd-couple-out feeling from your own heads. Socialise with your friends and family as a couple and never alienate yourselves. It will be difficult to start with, but once you are into the flow, your circle of friends and family will start seeing you just like they see another couple next door. That would be the true winning point of your relationship, and that’s where you both should be headed.
To summarize, though mainstream society still seems to view relationships such as yours as taboo, it’s up to you to prove how your bonding was not just a result of stumbling upon a random Russian woman profile on the Internet. Be active and fun-loving, communicate with your better half and think beyond all the age-related differences to engage in a fruitful relationship. For all you know, your partner may end up feeling attracted to you beyond your wildest imagination.
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