March 14, 2025

International dating advice for men seeking foreign brides

5 Realistic Dating Advice For People on Dating Sites

If you have no luck on dating sites, and the dating advice from relationship “experts” who repeat themselves over and over again don’t seem to work, you’re probably looking for a new and fresh way to start your online dating game.

If you’re sick of dating advice teaching you to “be yourself” to find “the right person,” and, even if it doesn’t work out, there is “plenty of fish in the sea,” we get it. There’s no way you’re going to get far with these stereotypical dating tips written by people who have either (a) never been a part of the dating process or (b) dated a few decades ago and lost their grip in figuring out what works and what doesn’t in the modern era.

If you’ve signed up on the best dating websites, don’t waste your time on those stereotypical and worthless dating tips. Instead, try these unconventional dating rules for realists, not idealists.

old Russian lady

There’s no such thing as “the one”

We’ve been taught for years that there’s a soulmate for each and every one of us, and it’s only a matter of time before you find him or her. Well, I hate to break it to you, but the idea that there’s only one right person for you wandering this planet is plain wrong.

Although we certainly agree that expanding your search and dating on some of the top rated dating sites instead of being limited to your neighborhood or town and friends of your friends is a good idea, being hung up on the idea of finding this non-existent soulmate at the right time in the right place will lead you nowhere.

Instead, do this! Keep a cool head and don’t approach the online dating scene with the “soul-mate” approach. Instead, think about it this way: there are actually multiple soulmates (maybe hundreds of them) with whom you’d have a wonderful life. It could be an old Russian lady from Saint-Petersburg or a young Russian beauty from Moscow. You never know.

Don’t make hush decisions. Just because this Russian girl you have been chatting with for a week doesn’t like pizza while you’d trade anything for a slice of delicious pizza does not necessarily mean that you’re not a good match. Use a mature approach to discern whether your differences are deal-breakers or not. Don’t expect some metaphorical Russia cupid to throw arrows at you to guide you to the woman of your dreams. Put an effort.

Don’t take a shallow look at dating profiles

Just because you didn’t begin salivating the second the photo of this Russian order bride appeared on your screen does not necessarily mean that she’s not a good match for you and there’s no way you could fall in love with her.

Russian lovers

Unfortunately, many people tend to be very shallow when it comes to choosing their potential life partner on the best online dating websites. Usually, these people think physical appearances is the most important thing when it comes to choosing whether or not to send this particular person a message or reply to his/her message.

Instead, try this! Stop being so focused on looks. If you have dated at least five women, you probably know that physical appearances have nothing to do with how passionate or feminine your girlfriend (or wife) is, nor does it have anything to do with how deeply in love you are with that person. Take a person-focused approach to dating, and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to find “the one.”

Don’t get attached to the outcome

When you’re looking for a potential life partner on an online dating site, don’t get attached to the outcome. Instead, enjoy the process. When you think about the end goal or outcome so much, you’re not fully relaxed and cannot be fully invested into a conversation.

Instead, try this! Stop stressing so much about the end goal. You will do yourself a big favor if you put your mind at ease and remind yourself that dating is all about getting to know other people. Dating isn’t a presidential election, where you should be choosing the lesser of evils.

Cut back on drinking before and during dates

Drinking alcohol during a date has long been normalized to help defuse the situation and make it feel less awkward. In fact, many choose to drink alcohol before a scheduled date to calm their nerves and ensure that they’re relaxed throughout the date. And while these two theories make sense, many people tend to go overboard with the amount of alcohol they drink before and during dates.

The problem is that when you lose track of how many drinks you’ve had, you’re more likely to date Russian lovers you’d never date if you were sober and thinking clearly.

Instead, try this! While dating completely sober would be preferable to keep your mind sharp and able to make rational decisions, drinking a little bit of alcohol before and during a date isn’t a bad idea if your goal is to take away the ever-growing and insatiable nervous anxiety. However, try to significantly lower the amount of alcohol to be in control of your thoughts, emotions, and decisions.

Don’t be afraid to pull the plug if you don’t feel a connection

Many people have become so overly sensitive and afraid to hurt other people’s feelings that they tend to continue communicating with persons they have no interest in. Connection is the foundation of Russian matrimony or any relationship.

Sure, it’s a good idea to give a person a chance, but when there’s clearly no chemistry between you, it’s best to end your conversation as soon as possible. And do it like a grown-up; don’t resort to such disgraceful methods of pulling the plug as ghosting.