March 16, 2025

International dating advice for men seeking foreign brides

10 Types of Men Spain Girls Will Surely Fall in Love With

Have you ever wondered what Spain girls find attractive among men? Of course, having good looks is a given, but you’re maybe asking what are the other ways to effectively catch women’s attention. Thankfully, you’ve come to the right place.

This article provides you with a list of the types of men women are likely to fall in love with. In case you are having a hard time getting noticed, take this list as a guideline to help you nail online dating with Spanish women:

  1. Guys with a Great Sense of Humor

It is common knowledge to everyone that most women are attracted to funny, humorous men. Additionally, one of the top dating advice given by dating sites to men is that laughter is the best way to a woman’s heart.

Having a great sense of humor plays a massive part in your mission to dating a Spanish girl. When you are someone who can crack a few jokes and make a woman chuckle, you definitely got the potential of winning a woman’s heart.

  1. dating in SpanishThe Clever Type

Being a wise man is definitely sexy and attractive in the eyes of single Spanish women. Guys with good wisdom are people who can understand how the world revolves and takes every experience in life as a way to learn a lesson and improve one’s self.

Wise men also value listening more than speaking. They are also not one to make any impulse decisions that might backfire later on. Furthermore, these types of men have a great advantage when it comes to dating in Spanish norms.

  1. Friendly

Having a group of friends is one way of revealing your personality. When you are someone who is easy to get along with, there’s a high chance you will also become a great partner.

Based on an article by Men’s Health, a study at the San Diego’s University of California rates men as better looking when in group pictures compared to solo photos. Moreover, when you are seen in a group, women will have a better basis for comparing your attractiveness with others.

  1. Does Volunteer Work

When you invest your time and effort into something selfless, such as volunteering, you will definitely be pictured as a kind man who will make a great lifelong partner.

Women are naturally emotional; when they see you doing something extraordinary and unselfish, they will definitely see you as someone who is worth having a long-term relationship with.

  1. Goal-Driven

An easy-go-lucky type of man is a no-go for most mature women. Most prefer someone who knows what he wants and works hard to achieve his dreams.

Successful men are driven by ambitions; they don’t settle for less and know they have the ability to change their current status. Due to this, most women fall in love with men who chase their dreams.

  1. Good Around Kids

A guy who loves children speaks volumes as to the kind of person he is. Women find it extremely heartwarming when they see their man being lovely around kids and babies as it signifies he will make a great father when the time comes.

When you are good around children, not only will you catch the attention of beautiful single Spanish women, but you will also have a first-hand experience of how to be a great parent.

  1. dating a Spanish girlHealth-Conscious

Being healthy doesn’t necessarily mean having a fit body packed with muscles. Women are drawn to men who know how important their health is. Men who eat consciously, avoid unhealthy habits, do workouts, and follow other healthy practices are definitely very attractive in the eyes of most women.

In other words, when you are health-conscious, you are not only doing your body a favor, but you also get an improved chance of meeting a potential lifetime partner.

  1. Strong

Strong men with a great build are way more sexually desirable than slender men based on a study from UCLA. After all, women love masculinity and dominance – but not too much.

  1. Respectful

Regardless of whether you found a beautiful girl in a Spanish online dating site or through a friend’s referral, being respectful is extremely important. A man who mocks other people’s customs is a big red flag for women, especially those of Spanish roots. Therefore, when you wish to have a future with a Spanish girl, learn to set aside one’s differences and value other people’s beliefs and practices.

  1. Open-Minded

In this modern world, online dating has become more common and accepted. When you are trying your luck in this platform, you must know the fact that you are bound to meet loads of different women who have different personalities. Thus, having an open mind and being willing to learn and discover new things is one of your biggest assets to winning women’s hearts.


There are plenty of gorgeous girls in a number of Spanish dating sites. However, if you don’t have the traits that women find attractive, you will definitely have a hard time finding someone whom you can have a lasting relationship with. Don’t lose hope though; there’s always a time to better one’s self.

If you take the traits and tips mentioned in this article into consideration, you will definitely have a better chance of winning a Spanish woman’s heart. Furthermore, if you choose to eliminate any toxic or unhealthy traits you may have, it is a good starting point to making the best version of yourself.